Access the most up to date information on the status of EU Framework Decisions 909, 947, 829.
Access information and contact details for Competent Authorities under the Framework Decision 909 via EJN Judicial Atlas. Choose the country and select 903 for Framework Decisions 2008/909/JHA, 904 for Framework Decision 2008/947/JHA and 905 for Framework Decision 2009/829/JHA.
Information form to accompany prisoner transfer, developed by the EuroPris FD909 expert group
Access the e-learning platform developed under the STEPS2 Resettlement project for authorities responsible for the decision making regarding the transfer of the execution of custodial sentences.
Information booklet for prisoners transferring under Framework Decision 909, developed under the STEPS2 Resettlement project.
Summary information regarding transfer process under Framework Decision 909, developed under the STEPS2 Resettlement project.
Resources Book – Transfer of Sentenced Prisoners Access the resource book that brings together practical recommendations, best practice and resources developed to assist with the transfer of sentenced prisoners.
Summary of a presentation given by the European Judicial Network (EJN) at the 51st Plenary meeting of the EJN, on the application of mutual recognition instruments.