The annual EuroPris FD909 meeting was held on 23 September 2020 via Zoom due to COVID-19, instead of at the Leuven Institute in Belgium. Experts from 16 Member States, the European Judicial Network (EJN), Maastricht University, and the EuroPris Secretariat attended.
Discussions focused on the pandemic’s impact on European Arrest Warrants and prisoner expectations. A group discussion led by the Netherlands covered topics such as:
The EJN provided updates on recent meetings about COVID-19, practical issues regarding FD909, and presented their conclusions on Mutual Recognition Instruments 2018/2019. A summary of discussions and the presentation is available below.
Click here to view the presentation and summary of the discussions from EJN.
Also, an interesting presentation was given by Maastricht University on the empirical results from the EU research project CrossBES on prisoner transfers between the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium. A copy of the presentation and accompanying leaflet can be found below.
Click here to view the presentation and leaflet about the project CrossBES.