Since 2012, EuroPris has been exploring the impact of the transfer of prisoners under FD 2008/909/JHA to examine the challenges and obstacles in implementing the legislation and undertaking practical transfers as well as the subsequent lessons learnt. EuroPris has already and will continue to provide recommendations on how to progress, how Member States’ implementation can be supported and importantly, how the organisation aims to support the European Commission in speeding up the process of implementation.

EuroPris have published a report detailing conclusions and recommendations from an expert group comprising members of European jurisdictions with regards to the exchange of prisoners under the Framework Decision 909.

Click here to download the report.

The EuroPris expert group on the Framework Decision 2008/909/JHA – Transfer of prisoners met in Brussels on 23rd and 24th September 2014 to discuss matters relating to the effective transfer of prisoners under this FD. The group were hosted by EuroPris at their office in the headquarters of the Belgium Prison Service. This is the third meeting of this group in relation to the FD 909.The workshop was attended by representatives from seven Member States that had either already transposed this Framework Decision or were going through the process to complete its introduction into their law. The meeting was also attended by the policy lead from the European Commission.

The aim of the workshop was to discuss the practicalities of using this Framework Decision and transferring prisoners from one jurisdiction to another. Topics under discussion included: the state of play with regards to the implementation of the FD by the Member States present and an update from across the European Union.

The full report can be downloaded here.

In February 2014 Olivier Tell provided a report from the European Commission on the implementation of Framework Decisions 2008/909/JHA, 2008/947/JHA, and 2009/829/JHA. Click here to download the report.

A working document for staff has also been produced to help provide guidance and an overview of the State of Play.

A press release was also issued to European states outlining the importance of implementation of the Framework Decisions.

On 13th November 2013 a meeting with EU Member States’ experts on the implementation of the Framework Decisions 2008/909/JHA (Transfer of Prisoners), 2008/947/JHA (Probation and Alternative Sanctions) and 2009/829/JHA (European Supervision Order) was held in Brussels and was well attended by Member States representatives. It was an opportunity for them to report on the ‘state of play’ with regard to implementation of the Framework decision into law. EuroPris was present and reported on the recent 909 expert group. A report was published on the findings and discussion.

Click here to access the report from the meeting.

On 29 and 30 August 2013 this EuroPris expert group met in Brussels to discuss a number of topics surrounding the implementation of the FD 909 on the Transfer of Prisoners. The workshop was attended by representatives from 5 Member States that had already transposed this Framework Decision and a representative from the European Commission. The Group recognised that it was still early days in terms of the implementation of the Framework Decision although most experts now had experience of transferring prisoners both into and out of their countries. Based on this experience, the experts made a number of recommendations intended to help improve the process for both prisoners and those officials involved in the transfer process. These recommendations focus largely, although not exclusively, on the provision of information.

To view these recommendations click here.

To access an information form to accompany prisoners on inter-jurisdictional transfer click here.