On 12 and 13 December 2013 EuroPris has hosted its second ICT Expert Group Meeting in Brussels, comprising of representatives from nine European Nation al Prison Agencies (Croatia, Netherlands, Romania, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Norway, UK, Belgium and Sweden).

The agenda of the meeting included topics such as assessment of the 2013 ICT workshop, the sharing of projects developed by National Prison Agencies as well as the difficulties encountered in implementing them. As part of the meeting, the expert group also visited Beveren prison, where an on the spot presentation was delivered on Prison Cloud, a secure service delivery platform for prisoner self- services.’


Click here to download the Summary report of the ICT expert group meeting.


Another focus was the preparation of the 2014 EuroPris ICT workshop that was planned for 3-4 April 2014 and was hosted by the Irish Prison Service in Port Laoise.