The annual EuroPris FD909 meeting was held in Brussels on 26 and 27 September 2018 at the Belgian Prison Service Headquarters in Brussels. The meeting which was chaired by Graham Wilkinson (England & Wales) and Katja Đogović (Finland). The event was attended by experts from 23 Member States as well as representatives from the European Commission and the EuroPris Secretariat.
On Day 1, the morning consisted of world café discussion tables with experts engaging in lively exchange of best practice and issues pertaining to transfer of foreign nationals. In the afternoon, individual presentations were given by the Netherlands and the UK on the care and transfer of mentally disordered prisoners in relation to FD909 and France presented on FD909 from a French perspective.
Day 2 started with an update on e-CODEX from Ernst Steigenga. Afterwards, a general discussion was held on prisoner transfer issues followed by a presentation by Romania on FD909 from a Romanian perspective. The event ended with Katja Đogović summing up the two-day event.