The expert group on Real estate & logistics met for the second time this year on 21 November 2016. After the first meeting the group drafted a report on Public Private Participation for the construction of new prisons. Download the Public Private Participantion report here. The second meeting of the group was hosted by the Criminal Sanctions Agency in Helsinki on 12 & 13 October. The main subject of the meeting was Prison Design. Experts from Northern Ireland, England, Slovenia, Belgium, Czech Republic and Finland shared their current prison design projects. Discussions also included: stakeholder involvement and reviews to assess needs and to define design requirements, design criteria and standards setting, tender evaluation and long-term strategic planning. Presentations of the meeting can be downloaded here.


A subgroup of the Real estate and Logistics expert group met on 20-22 April in the Netherlands to discuss and in-depth investigate on the subject of Private Public Partnership. The meeting was co-hosted by the Dutch Custodial Institutions Agency. As a result of a meeting, a report was drafted elaborating the what, why, how and when to use PPP for cooperation between the government and the private sector in the construction of new prisons. The report also discusses the different types and phases of PPP, as well as lessons learned and conclusions. Download the full report here.