The Council of Europe’s Recommendations concerning foreign prisoners CM/Rec (2012) 12 were adopted to help national prison services focus on the special needs of foreign prisoners and to think of ways to provide such prisoners with opportunities equal to those of other prisoners. In particular, it seeks to improve the regime foreign prisoners are subject to, alleviate their isolation and facilitate their treatment with a view to their social reintegration. These Recommendations ask that Governments of Member States be guided in their legislation, polices and practice by the rules contained in these Recommendations.

To promote the implementation of these Recommendations, the joint EuroPris & CEP Foreign Nationals in Prison and Probation Expert Group has collected examples of how European prison and probation services are addressing the needs of foreign prisoners and foreign offenders in policy, practice and principle based on the CoE Recommendations. The examples of prison and probation practice in the ‘ Table of CoE Foreign Prisoners Recommendations with Good Practice Examples, are recorded next to the relevant CoE Recommendation, with a brief description of the initiative, information on whether it is a national, regional or local initiative, the legal basis and budgetary implications of the initiative and contact details to obtain further information. Should you know of any initiatives which could be included in the Table, please provide information to the EuroPris secretariat at [email protected].

Click here to view the Table of CoE Foreign Prisoners Recommendations with Good Practice Examples

Please direct any comments or queries to the Coordinator of the Foreign Nationals in Prison and Probation Expert Group, [email protected].