Human Rights in Prisons Webinar (2023)


How can prison professionals develop their practices in line with international conventions and rules (soft law) to ensure the humane and fair treatment of prisoners? EuroPris is dedicated to promoting the values of human rights and dignity within prison systems across Europe. In line with our commitment to fostering a culture of respect and fairness, we will address critical issues related to human rights in prisons. This webinar aims to provide a platform for knowledge-sharing and discussion among prison professionals, policymakers, and human rights experts. The primary objectives of this webinar are:
  • To raise awareness about the human rights challenges faced by prisoners in Europe, with a particular focus on LGBTIQ+ prisoners, solitary confinement, and the preservation of human dignity.
  • To share best practices and innovative approaches for addressing these challenges within prison systems.
  • To facilitate dialogue and collaboration among diverse stakeholders, including prison staff, policymakers, NGOs, and researchers.
The focus of this webinar will be primarily on LGBTIQ prisoners, solitary confinement, and human dignity. This webinar seeks to advance the cause of human rights in prison settings. By addressing these pressing issues, we can contribute to more humane and effective correctional systems that respect the inherent dignity of every individual.

Webinar Recordings

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Webinar format & agenda

The webinar will consist of a plenary session followed by three breakout sessions and a concluding part in the plenary. Participants are invited to choose one breakout session. After that, all participants can return to the plenary for a closing discussion.


Presentation 1: A Soft Law overview to support practitioners in Swiss Corrections Speaker: Laura von Mandach (Swiss Centre of Expertise in Prison and Probation) Presentation 2:  The new guidance document on the European Prison Rules developed by Penal Reform International and the Council of Europe. This presentation will include an introduction to relevant conventions and where EPR fits into this context. Audits, inspections and the role of CPT will be described briefly, as will the ECtHR and the role of national preventive mechanisms (NPM). Speakers: Triona Lenihan (Penal Reform International) and Joana Kashi (Council of Europe)

Breakout sessions

Session 1: LGBTIQ+ detainees: Ensuring safety and dignity for all
  • What are the challenges and good practices with regard to gender and sexual minorities in prison?
  • How to ensure that prison authorities apply a non-discriminatory approach?
  • Why are LGBTIQ+ detainees in situations of exacerbated vulnerability and what can be done to address them?
Speaker: Jean-Sébastien Blanc is a research associate at the University of Geneva. Until July 2023, he worked at the Swiss Center of Expertise in Prison and Probation (SCEPP), where he is still a lecturer. While working at the SCEPP, he coordinated a project devising a set of recommendations on the handling and care of LGBTIQ+ detainees. Among previous functions, he worked at the Association for the prevention of torture, as well as the International Committee of the Red Cross. In 2023, he was appointed as a member of the National Commission for the Prevention of Torture, the Swiss National Preventive Mechanism (NPM). Session 2: Solitary Confinement
  • The legal frameworks governing the use of solitary confinement in Europe and their alignment with human rights standards.
  • The impact of solitary confinement on prisoners’ mental and physical well-being-
  • Alternatives to solitary confinement and their effectiveness in promoting rehabilitation and reintegration.
Speaker: Dirk van Zyl Smit is Emeritus Professor of the University of Nottingham,  and of the University of Cape Town  His books include Life Imprisonment: a Global Human Rights Analysis (with Catherine Appleton) (Harvard 2019) and Principles of European Prison Law and Policy: Penology and Human Rights (with Sonja Snacken) (Oxford 2009). Dirk is actively involved in law reform. He has drafted prison legislation for the governments of South Africa, Malawi, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Bangladesh. He was expert adviser to the Council of Europe on the new European Prison Rules and the European Rules on Juvenile Offenders subject to Sanctions or Measures, and is currently advising on a new Recommendation on Prisons and Mental Health. Session 3: Strengthening Human Dignity in Prisons – Sonja Snacken
  • Discussion on the fundamental principle of human dignity and its application within correctional facilities.
  • Presentation of case studies highlighting the interaction between personal and social dignity, fundamental human rights, prison regimes and social reintegration.
  • Exploration of the role of prison staff, training, and policies in upholding human dignity standards.
Speaker: Sonja Snacken is Emeritus Professor of Criminology, Penology and Sociology of Law at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. She has been involved in over forty research projects, at European, national and local level, with a special emphasis on the integration of an empirical social scientist approach with human rights concerns. She has been an expert for the CPT (1994-2008), member and Chair of the Council for Penological Cooperation (2001-2012) and expert for the Criminal Law Cooperation unit (2018-2021) of the Council of Europe. Her publications include “Principles of European Prison Law and Policy: Penology and Human Rights” (with Dirk van Zyl Smit; Oxford 2009); “Human dignity and prisoners’ rights – A European Perspective”, Crime and Justice, 2021, 301-351.

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