Sustainability policy

(Updated on March 2021)

The sustainability policy is also available for download here.

Although the environmental impact of an organisation like EuroPris seems to be limited, it is important to consider how we can contribute to a reduction of our ecological footprint and in shaping a sustainable future. In making such decisions it is important to observe a balance between the purpose and goal of EuroPris and environmental considerations.

This sustainability policy mainly serves two purposes. It should provide guidance to the EuroPris Secretariat. And by implementing it, EuroPris would like to lead with example towards its members and raise awareness about the environmental impact of our work.

Travel policy

Before making flight bookings, consider the greenest travel option and compare alternative ways to travel, taking into consideration travel time and CO2 emission.

  • The preferred travel mode on short distances is the train
    • Travel by train when the train travel time does not exceed 6 hours
    • Book early to allow for lower pricing of flight alternatives
  • If travel by plane is required
    • Book preferably direct flights
    • Choose sustainable airlines
    • Give preference to the use of public transport for travel from the airport to the hotel
    • Advice to travel light – less luggage

Event policy

Consider the possibility if the event or meeting can be held online as a webinar, workshop or conference call instead of an in-person event.

For an in-person event, several aspects have to be taken into consideration: type of hotel, restaurant, catering, use of materials for event participants. Also, it should be considered if events can be combined to prevent multiple travels for the same persons. Another option is to organize regional events that require less travel from other parts of Europe.

  • Hotels
    • Preferably hotels with a sustainability certificate like the Green Key
    • Offer to participants sustainable hotel options
    • Book for EuroPris staff and guests sustainable hotels
    • Preferred option are hotels close to the airport or easy to reach by public transport
  • Catering / restaurants
    • When choosing caterers and catering options for an event consider checking their sustainability policy with an eye on:
      • Use of mainly vegetarian food
      • Use of local suppliers and in-season products
      • Avoid disposable cutlery and plates or use a sustainable alternative
  • Conference packs for participants
    • Use less printed materials (folders, reports) during events; create instead QR code on a banner or folder to download all additionally needed information
    • Collect and re-use lanyards and badges
    • Use digital evaluation forms


  • Preference should be given to online/electronic publications
  • Printed publications only if specifically needed

Office policy

Preferably the office is easily accessible by public transport.

  • Efficient use of heating and lighting
    • Turn light and heating off when leaving the office
  • Purchase sustainable office supplies
  • Reduce the use of paper / less printing
  • Use of rechargeable batteries for all office equipment
  • Recycling of waste