Education in Prisons

European countries generally have a desire to deliver high-quality education in prison and recognize the importance of education as one of the instruments to reduce recidivism and prepare and equip prisoners for a better life after detention. If well-organised, education enhances an individual’s opportunities in the labor market and contributes to their long-term social inclusion.

Recently, several EU Member States have announced their intentions to reform prison education, or are in the process of implementing prison reform, and are actively seeking information and best practice examples from colleagues across the continent. Recent economic developments have forced member states to be more creative in developing prison education. Digital and technological progress have demanded the development of digital applications for the prison environment, to help keep up to speed with mainstream society and with the demand for skills on the labor market. Difficult decisions are to be made if both financial restraints and quality requirements are to be considered.

EuroPris and the European Prison Education Association (EPEA) have been in close contact since the establishment of EuroPris. While the EPEA network is mainly a network of trainers and teachers, the EuroPris Expert Group would have a focus on management and vision of prison education. The Expert Group should encourage discussion and exchange on a European level to find common ground and vision, and produce practical outputs.

The EuroPris Expert Group on Prison Education, could help to further embed sound prison education practices within the overall management and governance of the prison estate.

Duration: 2017 - 2019
Status: Complete
Coordinator: Kirsten Hawlitschek
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Since the adoption of the Council of Europe (COE) Recommendation (89) 12 on Prison Education, EuroPris and the European Prison Education Association (EPEA) reviewed the Recommendation and consider some of the principal developments in justice over the past three decades that have impacted on contemporary European prison education policy.
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James King (Chair)

Scottish Prison Service

Kieran Moylan

Irish Prison Service

Petra Prijatelj

Prison Administration of the Republic of Slovenia

Martin Zaschel

Ministry of Justice: Rhineland-Palatinate (DE)

Tanja Klee

Ministry of Justice: Rhineland-Palatinate (DE)

Ioana Morar

National Administration of Penitentiaries (RO)

Kathleen Van De Vijver

Belgian Prison Service

Peter Kriska

General Directorate of the Corps of Prison and Court Guard (SK)

Tamar Lisiaki

Ministry of Corrections and Legal Assistance of Georgia: Department of Penitentiary

Stylianou Iakovos

Ministry of Justice and Public Order: Department of Prisons

Ann Costelloe


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On 13-14 June 2019, the third and the last Education in Prison expert group meeting was hosted in Dublin, Ireland. During this meeting, the experts discussed developments in prison education in their respective jurisdictions over the past year. Additionally, CoE Recommendation on Education in Prison No. R(89)12 was discussed.

Click here to view the report on Review of European Prison Education Policy and Council of Europe Recommendation (89) 12 on Education in Prison and the practice collection that has been drafted by Prisoner Education expert group

Click here to view Table of Recommendation and Practices in European Prison Education

Click here to view Analysis of EuroPris Working Group Questionnaire on Prison Education in Europe

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On 18-19 September 2018, The General Directorate of the Corps of Prison and Court Guard kindly hosted the second Education in Prison expert group meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia. During this meeting, the experts discussed developments in prison education in their respective jurisdictions over the past year. Additionally, CoE Recommendation on Education in Prison No. R(89)12 was discussed.

Click here to view the minutes of the meeting.

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On 8-9 June 2017, the expert group on Education in Prison met for the first time in Nicosia, Cyprus hosted by Ministry of Justice and Public Order, Department of Prisons. The group comprised of 11 experts from different European countries (Cyprus, Slovenia, Slovakia, Scotland, Rhineland-Palatinate Germany, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Germany, Ireland, Romania, Belgium and Georgia) and a member of the European Prison Education Association (EPEA) from Denmark. During this meeting, all experts presented how prisoner education is organized in Prison Service. After several discussions the group decided to draft a working paper that is based on and reviews the Council of Europe recommendation Rec. R (89) 12 on education in prison. The group will give advice on any necessary updates to the Recommendation and also collect examples of best practices in relation to the updated version of the articles of the recommendation.

Click here to view the presentations and report from the expert group meeting.

The group was invited to take a tour to the prison in the Republic of Cyprus.