EU Framework Decision 2008/909/JHA

The EuroPris expert network on the transfer of prisoners was established in 2012 to assist members with the implementation of EC Framework Decision 2008/909/JHA. Since then, the group has been meeting annually to exchange knowledge and information relating to transfers. With thanks to support from the European Commission, the invitation to attend expert group meetings was extended in 2015 beyond EuroPris membership to include all EU Member States.

Duration: 2012 - Present
Status: Ongoing
Coordinator: Kris Van Opdenbosch
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The FD909 Expert Network is composed of representatives from all EU Member States, bringing together experts working on the implementation and application of Framework Decision 2008/909/JHA.

This network serves as a platform for member states to exchange knowledge, discuss challenges, and share best practices related to the transfer of sentenced persons between jurisdictions. By fostering cooperation across Europe, the FD909 Expert Network plays a key role in strengthening judicial collaboration within the EU.

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The annual EuroPris FD909 meeting was held on 23 September 2020 via Zoom due to COVID-19, instead of at the Leuven Institute in Belgium. Experts from 16 Member States, the European Judicial Network (EJN), Maastricht University, and the EuroPris Secretariat attended.  Discussions focused on the pandemic’s impact on European Arrest Warrants and prisoner expectations. A group discussion led by the Netherlands covered topics such as:

  • whether Member States inform crime victims about prisoner transfers
  • how social ties of prisoners are assessed,
  • if prison conditions in other Member States are considered before sending a transfer application.

The EJN provided updates on recent meetings about COVID-19, practical issues regarding FD909, and presented their conclusions on Mutual Recognition Instruments 2018/2019. A summary of discussions and the presentation is available below.

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The annual EuroPris FD909 meeting was held on 25 and 26 September 2019 at the Leuven Institute, Leuven, Belgium. The meeting was chaired by Kris Opdenbosch (Belgium) and Kirsten Hawlitschek (EuroPris). The event was attended by experts from 19 Member States as well as representatives from the European Commission, the Irish Prison Service, Amapola Progretti, the General Secretariat of the European Council and the EuroPris Secretariat.

On Day 1, the morning consisted of world café discussion tables with experts engaging in lively exchange of best practice and issues pertaining to transfer of foreign nationals. In the afternoon, a presentation was given on Amapola Progretti’s EU Rehabilitation Project as well as a presentation by the European Council and a presentation by Spain on FD909 from a Spanish perspective.

Day 2 started with a presentation from the Irish Prison Service on transfers to and from the Republic of Ireland under the Council of Europe Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons. Afterwards, a general discussion was held on prisoner transfer issues. The event ended with Kris Opdenbosch summing up the two-day event.

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The annual EuroPris FD909 meeting was held in Brussels on 26 and 27 September 2018 at the Belgian Prison Service Headquarters in Brussels. The meeting which was chaired by Graham Wilkinson (England & Wales) and Katja Đogović (Finland). The event was attended by experts from 23 Member States as well as representatives from the European Commission and the EuroPris Secretariat.


On Day 1, the morning consisted of world café discussion tables with experts engaging in lively exchange of best practice and issues pertaining to transfer of foreign nationals. In the afternoon, individual presentations were given by the Netherlands and the UK on the care and transfer of mentally disordered prisoners in relation to FD909 and France presented on FD909 from a French perspective.


Day 2 started with an update on e-CODEX from Ernst Steigenga. Afterwards, a general discussion was held on prisoner transfer issues followed by a presentation by Romania on FD909 from a Romanian perspective. The event ended with Katja Đogović summing up the two-day event.

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On 09 and 10 May 2016, EuroPris and the European Commission jointly hosted the expert group for the transfer of sentenced prisoners under Framework Decision 909. Building on the previous EuroPris expert group meetings on the subject, all Member States were invited to attend for an EU-wide discussion on common issues, processes and practices in using the Framework Decision. In total 24 Member States were represented.


EuroPris chaired the first day and the agenda included small group discussions between Member States focusing on experiences of working with one another as issuing/receiving state; overcoming practical problems; producing information sheets on prison processes within each country; and, how Member States and Competent Authorities might use the European Prison Information System (EPIS) hosted by EuroPris to access and exchange information.


The meeting on 10 May was hosted by the European Commission at the Albert Borschette Conference Center and chaired by Olivier Tell – Head of B1, Directorate-General for Justice. Topics discussed included the recent ECJ judgement on detention conditions, time limits, as well as, documents and communications required to enable transfer. Presentations were given by Michael Meysman, University of Ghent on the Framework Decision 909 Handbook that the EC are drafting, Graham Wilkinson, National Offender Management Service (England & Wales) on the STEPS 2 Resettlement project and Jonas Grimheden, Fundamental Rights Agency. 


EuroPris is also working on updating the FD 909 Expert Group pages to enable the country information sheets to be easily accessible.