After the events in France and Denmark at the beginning of 2015, radicalisation has become a top priority on the agenda of the EU and Council of Europe and in many national administrations. Much attention is paid to the work of prison services in detection, prevention, treatment and de-radicalisation of radicalized offenders. Not much of the actions taken is evidence based and prison services struggle in finding the right approach and methods to deal with this subject.
The EuroPris radicalisation expert group members, Dr Kieserling and Dr. Zino drafted an advisory reference for practitioners on prison chaplaincy and deradicalisation, click below to view the report:
The Radicalisation Expert Group met on 27 April in Barcelona, after the Criminal Justice Platform (CJP) Seminar on Radicalisation and Violent Extremism on 26 April. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the papers that the experts are developing on: Prison Chaplaincy and Risk Assessment Tools. The draft version of the Prison Chaplaincy paper was presented and discussed at the CJP Seminar.
The first Meeting of the EuroPris Radicalisation Expert Group took place on 24 & 25 November 2015 in Vienna, Austria. The meeting was attended by representatives from 9 European National Agencies (Austria, Germany, Norway, Catalonia, Northern Ireland, Estonia, Bulgaria, and Turkey). During the meeting, the experts shared details on their current work, programs they have going or are developing and challenges that they face. The experts decided on the next steps of the Expert Group, further exploring the topics of Risk assessment tools, Identification of radicalised offenders and Chaplaincy.