Prison Volunteers; a neglected resource for foreign prisoners? (2017)


There is considerable untapped potential for volunteers to work with FNP´s, an often isolated and neglected prisoner group. Well trained and supported volunteers, recruited from diverse communities, could assist the successful resettlement and rehabilitation work of prison and probation services as well as support and alleviate the isolation and problems many foreign prisoners are facing. This matter was highlighted on a seminar on prison volunteers held in Strasbourg in May.

By Nick Hammond, Maryvonne de Vitton, Anne-Marie Klopp

The document contains:

  • The Case for Volunteers and Foreign Prisoners’ – PPT from Nick Hammond
  • My Experience of Visiting Foreign Nationals in French Prisons‘ – by Maryvonne de Vitton
  • My Experience as a “Mediator” Between French-Speaking Prisoners, Their Relatives, and Prison or Justice Institutions‘ – by Anne-Marie Klopp

Click download to view the documents.