On Thursday 29 September, EuroPris organised a webinar, kindly co-hosted by the Belgian Prison Service. Overcrowding is an increasingly widespread and common problem in Europe in places of detention. In many countries, it is a very serious concern, impacting possibilities for rehabilitation and re-integration. In some cases, the problem compromises the ability for administrations to fulfill detainees’ basic needs in terms of living conditions, medical care, legal aid, and family visits.
The topic of this webinar was about short-, medium- and long-term solutions to manage overcrowding by increasing prison capacity. The focus of this webinar was on logistics and infrastructure, policy change, and legislative reform.
Interested to view the content from this webinar? Click on the images or titles below to view the videos (YouTube).
Rudy van de Voorde, Director General, Belgian Prison Service, Belgium
Click here to download the presentation of Rudy van de Voorde (pdf).
A fast track to an outside placement
Antti Kanerva, Head of Unit, Prison and Probation Service of Finland
Click here to download the presentation of Antti Kanerva (pdf).
A modular building of prison cell
Dirk Becker, Amtsrat im Justizvollzug, Ministry of Justice of Lower Saxony, Germany
Click here to download the presentation of Dirk Becker (pdf).
Monitoring places of detention in Switzerland
Laura van Mandach, Head of Knowledge and Analysis, Swiss Centre of Expertise in Prison and Probation SCEPP, Switzerland
Click here to download the presentation of Laura van Mandach (pdf).