Author: Catherine Kenny worked in various policy, research and casework positions in the NGO sector both in Ireland and the UK prior to joining the ICPO. Catherine has recently completed an MA in Comparative Criminology and Criminal Justice in Maynooth University.
The Irish Council for Prisoners Overseas (ICPO) is a small charitable organisation with offices in Ireland and London. Established in 1985, they provide advice, information and support to Irish prisoners overseas and their families. The ICPO works with approximately 1,200 Irish people imprisoned in almost 30 countries as well as those in immigration detention. Catherine Kenny, a Casework, Policy and Information Officer, describes the work of the ICPO and provides an up to date summary of the current position of prisoner transfer in the Irish Republic. EU FD 2008/909 JHA Recognition of judgments imposing custodial sentences on the Transfer of Prisoners has not as yet been ratified.
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