Welcome to the European Prison Information System (EPIS). Click above to watch a 3-minute introduction video about EPIS.


This resource was created by EuroPris to provide a central knowledgebase of European Prison Agency information to enhance transparency, and inter-jurisdictional cooperation and to prevent duplication of commonly requested data. We accept contributions from all European Prison Agencies regardless of their membership status with EuroPris.


If you are a member of a European Prison Agency then please do ensure that you login or register before continuing so that you can access detailed information. By logging in you can also update information for your own organisation and your own personal information.


To view information on a particular country/system please select a country from the map below, or click on ‘Agencies’ to view detailed information.


A User Guide on how to use EPIS is available here. This User Guide explains more in detail what EPIS is, how to create an account on the EuroPris website, and contains information for EPIS administrators. EPIS administrators are assigned from each prison agency to fill out and update data for their agency on EPIS.