The Council of Europe published its recommendation on the “ethical and organisational aspects of the use of artificial intelligence and related digital technologies by prison and probation services” on 9 October 2024. These recommendations were developed by the PC-CP Working Group, supported by Pia Puolakka (Prison and Probation Service, Finland), Håkan Klarin (Prison and Probation Service, Sweden), and Fernando Miró Llinares (University Miguel Hernández of Elche, Spain). This webinar aims to explore and discuss these important recommendations. Co-authors Pia Puolakka and Håkan Klarin will provide insights into the drafting process and offer a summary of the key contents. Since both are likewise experts of the EuroPris ICT Expert Group, they will reflect with three other EuroPris ICT experts on the meaning and how to implement it in prison services across Europe.
Key questions for discussion include:
- What steps should be taken to implement the recommendations effectively?
- How can these guidelines support practical AI use in prison and probation services?
- What impact will the recommendations have on current practices, and what should be prioritised?
- What potential challenges or unintended consequences might arise?
Event details:
Date: Thursday, 16 January 2025
Time: 14:00 – 16:00 (CET)
Pia Puolakka, Senior Specialist, Team Leader, Prison and Probation Service, Finland
Ms Pia Puolakka has been working for the Finnish Prison and Probation Service since 2012. In 2018-2022 she worked as a project manager for the Smart Prison project implementing Finland’s first cell devices with digital services to a new women’s prison. Her current post as a team leader includes the operative management of various rehabilitative, digital and security services in prisons and probations. She is a member (co-chair) of the EuroPris ICT Expert group, and in 2021-2023 she was part of the Council of Europe’s Council for Penological Co-operation’s (PC-CP) expert group developing recommendations for the use of AI in corrections. By education, she is a forensic psychologist and psychotherapist.
Hakan Klarin, Chief Information Technology Officer, Swedish Prison and Probation Service
Mr Hakan Klarin is an accomplished Chief Information Technology Officer with extensive experience in government administration. He specialises in innovation management, business development, strategic planning, and change management, supported by an Executive MBA and expertise in managing global R&D and innovation within large organisations. From 2011 to 2017, he served as CIO for Region Östergötland, Sweden’s fourth-largest county council and healthcare provider, while also undertaking several national assignments. Since 2017, Mr Klarin has been the CIO for the Swedish Prison and Probation Service and previously led EuroPris’s Expert Group for ICT.
We welcome participants from:
- Prison & probation services
- Social services
- Public sector
- Academia
- NGOs
You can register below: